Never Aim Too High Or Too Low
My dear friends what ever you want to achieve be it be in your personal life or professional life Never Aim Too High Or Too Low.
Always plan, aim objectives which are achievable neither too low nor too high. Because if your aim & objectives are too high,far more than your capacity, capability & your potential than it becomes unachievable. And not achieving & accomplishing your aims & objectives causes demotivation & dejection which in turn forces you to run away & avoid your aims & objectives instead of achieving it. And you are lagged behind in the race of achievement which is so competitive & fierce.
On the other side if you keep your aims & objectives much lower than your capacity, capability & potential than it will be so easily accomplished & achieved and you will not face, come across and experience any difficulties and hurdles which forces you to learn, find out ways and means, to, how to resolve and how to come out of various hurdles, obstacles & problems that arises in tough & challenging situations demanding your total involvement, dedication and devotion and above all taking wise & mature decisions to resolve the total problems .
There is a very popular quote :
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
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